Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Drama of the Action Movie

Something that I was talking about recently with some friends is how much better some movies are when you fast forward through the actual acting (all of the dramatic stuff) and skip right to good stuff-sex, blood, and violence. This applies to both movies that are world renowned for their superb acting and directing (Gladiator-2000, Directed by Ridley Scott) for example, and some less than stellar films (Troy-2004, Directed by Wolfgang Petersen). If you don't believe me, try it sometime, you will find yourself highly entertained and with up to an hour of unused time.
Maybe this is why some directors have opted to pretty much forgo any Academy Awards for acting and just head straight for the ass kicking. 300 (2006, Directed by Zack Snyder) is a perfect example of this. For any of you who have not seen the film, it is basically a bunch of extremely muscular guys go around impaling Persians on the end of their spears. Pretty kick ass. If you want any more examples, watch any Schwarzenegger movie from his prime (Terminator, Predator, Commando, and Terminator 2 for example)
Really what I'm getting at here is that Hollywood needs to learn when drama needs to take the back seat. Sometimes too much plot will destroy what could have been an awesome movie.


Ben S said...

I agree with you Carter. You hit the metaphorical nail on the head. Sometimes in action movies it feels like the plot is being shoved down my throat, making it very difficult to take the plot seriously. The worst is when an action movie tries to get all preachy at the end. The audience that watches actions movie don't want that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Sex, blood, and violence is very entertaining, but i kinda like having a some-what of a decent point to it (such as 300, when it was actually plausible that they would go and defend their city). If it is just random violent scenes, it might just be a horrible movie.

Jacob E said...

I agree with it all. THe drama does need got take a back seat and the action gotta take the front. Although i like the whole movie of 300 but the action really does make the movie no doubt.